January 12, 2013


YES the title says it all.. SO this is my FIRST BLOG ENTRY and im excited, blogging has always been something ive been interested in doing and so many other things but never found a way to just do it. I thought since I have so many other crazy things im trying as the new year rolled around WHY NOT! so here i am. hopefully your interested enough to follow me through this life of being a spouse to someone who is selflessly serving his country and raising 2 kids, while still trying to be crafty, creative, and have somewhat of a fashion sense and finding myself, career wise and all that good stuff. CHEERS TO 2013!! I dont have any resolutions but more like THINGS TO CHECK OFF my list that NEEDS TO BE DONE lol.

Off topic of starting this little blog and to bring you a little bit more into my life is military deployments, THEY are never easy, regardless if they are 1 month, 6 month of a year!! We are about halfway through and I'm just thankful for all the people that are in my life getting me through this time.. Although Murphy's Law sure has snuck up on me a few times.. that is another topic that we shall save for its own blog entry for everyone to enjoy and laugh at me, lol its pretty embarassing. I think Ive handled this deployment quite well actually with having to juggle 2 kids instead of 1 especially a very active 1 year old plus my 6 year old with school, sicknesses, basketball practice, games, and occasisional meltdowns. I even managed to squeeze in 3 different roadtrips in the past 2 months!! people chuckle and utter the combination of words like crazy, brave, and yes it was crazy and i felt pretty brave about it haha.. I have been pulling it together and i just have to remind myself KEEP ON SWIMMING girl, even though i feel like im in a never ending ocean and not seeing land anywhere in sight! <-- dramatic="dramatic" lol.="lol." p="p" yes="yes">
Well as you can probably tell, my grammer sucks and I have a tendency to go off topic. If thats not your thing, feel free to not read my blog lol. but thats all for now. see you all in the next one :)

Sneak Peek on the next entry: TURBOFIRE & ME, eeekk ;)

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